[Macpartners] Help needed: Shared Library Error in 10.2.6

Bryant Vernon bcvernon at MIT.EDU
Fri Jun 13 00:16:00 EDT 2003

Hi All,

I am running OS X 10.2.6 on a pismo laptop (500 MHz with 256MB Ram) and 
have come across an annoying and seemingly obscure problem. After I 
updated to 10.2.6 (from 10.2), I began to receive an error when 
launching certain applications. The general content of the error is 
"APPLICATION LAUNCH FAILURE: The application "some application" could 
not be launched because of a shared library error: '<random some 
application name><more random stuff about some 
application><CarbonLib><>'" This error arises when I try to launch 
Netscape, Internet Explorer, and Stuffit Expander (and possibly other 
programs). I can, however, run Safari and Mozilla 1.3.1 without 

To compound the problem, I also receive another error when trying to 
start classic under OS X: "Resource Update Error: An error was 
encountered while attempting to update your system folder with 
Classic-specific resources." This problem also seems to have developed 
concomitantly with the upgrade to 10.2.6.

Someone suggested that the problem related to improper permissions, so 
I repaired the permissions (via the terminal & sudo repairpermissions 
/), but the error still persists.

After having searched google and the Apple knowledge base numerous 
times, I have failed to find any information relevant to this error. I 
hope that someone else has come across it and knows a solution, as I 
loathe the idea of reloading the OS. I appreciate any help, 
suggestions, or comforting words you can offer.


All the Best,
Bryant C. Vernon

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