[Macpartners] Fall 2003 Getting Started CD Release Effort Underway
Mark Van Dyke
mvan at MIT.EDU
Thu Jun 5 09:16:10 EDT 2003
Good morning,
The CD Release Team has begun planning for the production of the fourth
version of the "Fall Getting Started CD" for Macintosh and Windows. In
the past this CD has also been referred to by its label design; most
recently being the "orange and yellow swirly CD". The CD was originally
produced by the MITApps team, specifically to handle the fall and spring
term bottleneck of new students needing the core software applications
installed on their computers. This was especially helpful to those who
did not have fast internet connections. The CD has since proven itself
to be a valuable tool for many others. Because of this, we're
rethinking its contents.
Attached is a list of applications that were included on last year's CD
plus some additions we're planning for this year. We're inviting your
ideas on what you think should be included on the CD. In short, if
there is MIT-licensed software or freeware that you think should be part
of this CD; please let us know by sending mail to cd-release at mit.edu by
June 13, 2003. We are attempting to get input from as many stakeholders
as possible. If you think there is some individual or group that we
missed, please let us know as soon as possible.
Our goal is to have the CD ready for duplication by August 1. For more
information on the CD and the release effort, see the CD Release
Notebook at http://web.mit.edu/swrt/releases/mitcd/. If you have
questions, suggestions, or would like to participate in the release of
this CD, please contact the team via email at cd-release at mit.edu.
Thanks for your input!
Angela Blossom
Susan Jones
Mark Van Dyke
Christine Verick
Ginny Williams
Al Willis
1 Anti-virus VirusScan
2 Web browser Netscape
3 PDF Reader Acrobat Reader
4 Kerberos Kerberos for Win
5 E-Mail Eudora
6 Printing KLP
7 File transfer FileZilla
8 Telnet HostExplorer
9 SSH SecureCRT
10 Backup TSM
11 Ergonomic health Stretch Break
12 Alternate browser Internet Explorer
13 UNIX services Cygwin
14 Secure file transfer SecureFX
Macintosh OS 9
1 Anti-virus Virex
2 Web Browser Netscape Navigator
3 PDF Reader Adobe Acrobat Reader
4 Kerberos KFM
5 E-Mail Eudora
6 Printing KLPR
7 Filetransfer Fetch
8 Telnet BetterTelnet
9 Backup TSM
10 Ergonomic Health Stretchbreak
11 Instant Messaging MacZephyr
12 On-line forum MacDiscuss
13 Dial-up Utility ARA Automatic to PPP changer
15 OS Utility MIT Date & Time Assistant
16 Web Search Sherlock MIT plugin
Macintosh 0S X
1 Anti-virus Virex
2 Web Browser Netscape Navigator for X
3 PDF Reader Adobe Acrobat Reader
4 Kerberos KFM
5 Kerberos Extras kerberos settings files
6 E-Mail Eudora
7 Printing KLPR
8 Filetransfer Fetch
9 Telnet BetterTelnet
10 Backup TSM
11 Ergonomic Health Stretchbreak
12 Instant Messaging MacZephyr
13 On-line forum MacDiscuss
14 Kerberos Kerberos Login Authenticator
15 X-Window Server XonX
16 Dialup I-Pass
17 Apple free download X11
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