[Macpartners] Slow-running Dreamweaver MX

Ginny Williams ginnyw at MIT.EDU
Tue Jul 29 13:54:58 EDT 2003

At 11:42 AM -0400 7/28/03, William Litant wrote:
>At Aero-Astro, several of us are experiencing a  problem with 
>Dreamweaver MX for OS X, running on G4s (733MHz, 1.2 GB memory), 
>iBooks, etc . The longer the page, the slower it runs when editing 
>in Layout view - to the point where when editing a page like a 
>department staff/faculty list ( e.g. 
><http://web.mit.edu/aeroastro/www/people/> it can take 10 seconds or 
>more for a single keystroke to appear. I note that this does NOT 
>happen when editing in the code view -- that works realtime. It also 
>does not happen when running Dreamweaver 4 in OS 9.2 nor when using 
>Dreamweaver MX in Windows - they work fine on the same documents 
>that are hanging in OS X. Suggestions appreciated.


Are both Mac OS X and Dreamweaver MX up to date?  Do you regularly 
run Software Update and check with Macromedia to be sure you have the 
most recent versions?

Just a thought...


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