[Macpartners] Slow-running Dreamweaver MX

William Litant wlitant at MIT.EDU
Mon Jul 28 11:42:38 EDT 2003


At Aero-Astro, several of us are experiencing a  problem with 
Dreamweaver MX for OS X, running on G4s (733MHz, 1.2 GB memory), 
iBooks, etc . The longer the page, the slower it runs when editing in 
Layout view - to the point where when editing a page like a 
department staff/faculty list ( e.g. 
<http://web.mit.edu/aeroastro/www/people/> it can take 10 seconds or 
more for a single keystroke to appear. I note that this does NOT 
happen when editing in the code view -- that works realtime. It also 
does not happen when running Dreamweaver 4 in OS 9.2 nor when using 
Dreamweaver MX in Windows - they work fine on the same documents that 
are hanging in OS X. Suggestions appreciated.

Bill Litant
William T.G. Litant
Communications Director
Aeronautics and Astronautics Department and International CDIO Initiative
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts  Ave. 37-395
Cambridge, MA 02139
wlitant at mit.edu
(617) 253-1564

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