[Macpartners] Re: iMovie and iPhoto files

Joshua S. Weisbuch jsw at pobox.com
Sat Jul 26 09:27:01 EDT 2003


I've used iPhoto since it came out and like it but I've changed the 
way I've imported photos in order better sort and archive my photos. 
this process might be helpful for your Physician friend since he can 
end up with photos with unique filenames that are tied to the subject 
of the images AND be able to archieve them right away.

My System:
- I use a 950 Nikon with 256 meg compact flash card
- OS X
- Currently have 1400 photos

I wanted each file to have a FILE name I chose.  Since batch file 
renaming is impossible in iPhoto I've come up with the following 
process :

- In "CDs & DVDs" System Preferences to Ignore a Picture CD so that 
iPhoto does not automatically open.
- Open Compact Flash Card in Finder
- Move files to a "Photo Import Folder" in my Pictures folder on my mac
- I usually import around 200 photos at a time so I sort them to keep 
them organized.
- Using OS X Tri-column mode I review the photos and sort them into 
specific events folders (Party, pets, etc.)
- Rename all the files using a renaming program:
	I use File Sequencer from www.johnnarun.com
- Most of my photos are tied to trips, parties, etc. so I use File 
Sequencer to give them a name like "SDTrip" plus a number
- Once all the files are renamed I import each photo by dragging the 
folder name into the left hand column in iPhoto.  This allows me to 
keep the photos organized.
- I burn the original photos onto CDs for backup
- Then delete the folders so that there isn't wasted space on my hard disk

Using the above method I've been able to have filenames match the images.

Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions.

Josh Weisbuch
jsw at pobox.com

At 15:06 -0400 7/24/03, John C. Welch wrote:
>On 07/24/2003 14:30, "bronwenh at MIT.EDU" <bronwenh at MIT.EDU> wrote:
>  > On of the attendees of my OS X coures had two questions that I 
>did not have an
>>  answer for.  First:  He offloads his digital photographs to his Mac OS X
>  > else? How can he archive them so that they will be re-usable?  Is there an
>>  easy
>>  way to do this?
>The raw image files are still there, you simply have to retrieve them, or
>you can export them out of iPhoto with ease. Iphoto 3 has an archive to CD
>  >
>>  Second:  He is a surgeon who films surgeries, resulting in very large files
>>  that
>>  he edits and  views with iMovie.  However ...
>  > for storage except that once it written to DVD you can't copy 
>portions of the
>>  movies back to disk for editing or other purposes.
>Actually, you can, as long as you don't encrypt the DVDs, which iDVD doesn't
>do. However, you can also just pop in a DVD blank, and copy the film clips
>to the DVD, and burn it like a big fat data disk, so while it won't play in
>a DVD player, you can get stuff off it far easier.

Joshua S. Weisbuch
jsw at pobox.com

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