[Macpartners] Re: iMovie and iPhoto files

John C. Welch jwelch at MIT.EDU
Thu Jul 24 15:06:36 EDT 2003

On 07/24/2003 14:30, "bronwenh at MIT.EDU" <bronwenh at MIT.EDU> wrote:

> On of the attendees of my OS X coures had two questions that I did not have an
> answer for.  First:  He offloads his digital photographs to his Mac OS X
> machine.  iPhoto automatically launches, storing his photographs in folders
> that
> are several layers deep (with extra data files, thumbnail files, etc).  He
> would
> like to be able to archive his images to a cd as single, separate entities,
> probably as jpg files.  What if iPhoto disappears or is replaced by something
> else? How can he archive them so that they will be re-usable?  Is there an
> easy
> way to do this?  

The raw image files are still there, you simply have to retrieve them, or
you can export them out of iPhoto with ease. Iphoto 3 has an archive to CD

> Second:  He is a surgeon who films surgeries, resulting in very large files
> that
> he edits and  views with iMovie.  However, these too he would like to archive.
> Should he save his original film clips?  Writing the movies to DVD is one
> option
> for storage except that once it written to DVD you can't copy portions of the
> movies back to disk for editing or other purposes.

Actually, you can, as long as you don't encrypt the DVDs, which iDVD doesn't
do. However, you can also just pop in a DVD blank, and copy the film clips
to the DVD, and burn it like a big fat data disk, so while it won't play in
a DVD player, you can get stuff off it far easier.

John C. Welch
Consultant III
Office Computing Practice (IS)
(617) 253 - 1368 work
(508) 579 - 7380 cell
bynkii2          AIM

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