[Macpartners] OS X problem

Phyllis Collymore pcollymo at MIT.EDU
Wed Aug 6 17:06:02 EDT 2003


I have a user who is running OS X.  She has been using Netscape 4 
because v.6 and 7 do not work.  I installed Netscape 7 twice, with no 
success.  What happens is that Netscape opens up and sees all of her 
old bookmarks, but will not actually open up any page.  It appears to 
go to whatever url you ask, but no window ever opens up.  The history 
will list all the places you tried to visit.

Any ideas as to why Netscape will not open any window?



	Phyllis Collymore
	MIT Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics
	77 Massachusetts Avenue
	Cambridge, MA   02139

	pcollymo at mit.edu
	617-253-0946 phone
	617-480-7481 cell phone
	617-253-4002 fax


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