[Leonardo/ISAST Network] Leonardo Network Newsletter | December 1, 2008

Leonardo/ISAST isast at leonardo.info
Mon Dec 1 21:43:43 EST 2008

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December 1, 2008

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Information on how to unsubscribe is included in the footer below.

Leonardo/ISAST is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We rely on the  
support of our community. Support Leonardo with a donation today!

Did you know? Another easy way to support Leonardo this holiday  
season is to shop on Amazon. Leonardo/ISAST will receive referral  
fees on anything you buy from Amazon if you enter the Amazon site  
through our Affiliate Member referral link. Start by browsing titles  
in the Leonardo Book Series.

Gift memberships to Leonardo/ISAST are also available for budding  
Leonardos in your life!

- Eugenia Fratzeskou
- Barbara Nessim
- Jack Ox
- Otto and Elizabeth Piene

Join Leonardo on

More news and announcements are available on the What's New page on  
Leonardo On-Line.

Artmedia X International Symposium
The Artmedia X International Symposium, co-organized by Mario Costa  
and Fred Forest and co-sponsored by Leonardo/Olats, will take place  
on December 12 and 13, 2008 at the French National Library (BNF) and  
the National Institute for Art History (INHA) in Paris, France.  
Philosophers, theoreticians and artists will gather for 2 days of  
presentations and discussions on the topic: "Ethics, Aesthetics,  
Techno-communication: The Future of Meaning." Participants will  
include Edgar Morin, Thierry de Duve, Anne Cauquelin, Serge Tisseron,  
Jean-Michel Rabaté, Edmond Couchot, Francois Soulages, Robert C.  
Morgan, Pierre-Damien Huyghe, Fabrizio Desideri, Dominique Chateau,  
Jean-Pierre Faye and others. FIND OUT MORE


Call for papers: Re:live Media Art History Conference
The third iteration of the Media Art History conference series,  
Re:live, is scheduled to take place 26-29 November 2009 in Melbourne,  
Australia. The event follows the success of the two previous Media  
Art History conferences, Re:fresh (Banff 2005) and Re:place (Berlin  
2007). The conference series is an initiative of Leonardo/ISAST, and  
papers from the conference will be published in Leonardo Journal. The  
deadline to submit papers is December 19, 2008. FIND OUT MORE

Disonancias Call for Submissions
Leonardo/Olats, member of the ARTSACTIVE network, is pleased to  
announce an international call for artists to collaborate with  
companies in Catalonia. Research projects which will be developed  
between January and September 2009 include: new paradigms in the area  
of increased cognition in the future manned missions of planetary  
exploration (GTD, Ingenieria de Sistemas y Software), new dynamics  
and environments of work (Telefónica i+d), the development of  
multitouch prototype of multiple applications (Eidola), creative  
dynamics of the image department (TV3) and the develpoment of an  
external meeting point related to architectures for public spaces  
(Trànsit projects). The deadline to apply is December 9, 2008. FIND  


Now Available: Leonardo Music Journal, Volume 18
Downloads and file exchanges have altered the economics of music of  
consumption, but have they also rendered the concert hall obsolete?  
Or have the isolation of ear buds and the ephemerality of digital  
files actually served to highlight the social significance and sweaty  
substantiality of live performance? Or are we witnessing the birth of  
a new "live," virtually social but vitally sweat-free? LMJ 18: Why  
Live?: Performance in the Age of Digital Reproduction features  
writings on the significance or irrelevance of contemporary  
performance practice and its alternatives. FIND OUT MORE

Call for Submissions: BioLogic: A Natural History of Digital Life
We are pleased to announce a forthcoming special issue of Leonardo,  
presented in collaboration with SIGGRAPH 2009. The issue will feature  
SIGGRAPH 2009 Art Papers and the SIGGRAPH 2009 Juried Art Gallery,  
"Biologic: A Natural History of Digital Life." FIND OUT MORE


Featured Members
We are pleased to present our newest featured members: Barbara Nessim  
and Eugenia Fratzeskou. FIND OUT MORE

The Leonardo Affiliate Membership Program
Leonardo invites non-profit organizations, companies and university  
departments focused on the intersection of art, science and  
technology to join the Leonardo Network as Affiliate Members.  
Benefits include enhanced networking with other Leonardo Affiliate  
members, opportunities to collaborate in research and creative  
projects and invitations to participate in Leonardo-sponsored  
exhibitions, panels, workshops, and other activities. FIND OUT MORE


Place a Display Ad in a Leonardo Electronic Publication
Leonardo Network Newsletter and Leonardo On-Line are now able to  
accomodate display ads. Promote your organization, project or event  
in a Leonardo electronic publication utilizing bold graphics and text  
to make sure your message is seen by many. Cross-platform package  
deals are also available. Leonardo/ISAST Associate and Affiliate  
Members receive a 20% discount on ad placements. FIND OUT MORE

The Leonardo Network Newsletter is a bi-weekly publication of  
Leonardo/The International Society for the Arts, Sciences and  
Technology (Leonardo/ISAST) and includes news, events and publication  
announcements, calls for submissions, opportunities and more.

Current and past issues of the Leonardo Network Newsletter can be  
viewed online:

Join as an Associate Member and receive a range of benefits including  
discounts, special invitations and more.

Subscribe to, or unsubscribe from this list.

Our mailing address is:
211 Sutter St, Suite 501
San Francisco, CA 94108

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Our email:
isast at leonardo.info

Copyright (C) 2008 Leonardo/ISAST. All rights reserved.

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