[Leonardo/ISAST Network] Environment 2.0: Through Cracks in the Pavement -- Call for Papers

Leonardo/ISAST isast at leonardo.info
Thu May 15 19:14:43 EDT 2008

Environment 2.0: Through Cracks in the Pavement
Leonardo Guest Editor: Drew Hemment
The second call for papers of the Leonardo special project Lovely 
Weather: Artists and Scientists on the Cultural Context of Climate 
Change seeks new cross-disciplinary thinking on sustainability in urban 
environments, with a focus on creative intervention, social change and 
non-Western perspectives.
In urban environments we are separated from the consequences of our 
actions as surely as the tarmac of the road cuts us off from the earth 
beneath. This physical boundary encourages a phenomenological 
separation. It is also a symptom and a driver of a global reliance on 
the private car and fossil fuel. But between the cracks in the pavement, 
another world flourishes---local activism, recycling, environmental 
collectives, permaculture, urban gardening.
Artistic and social projects can widen the cracks in the pavements. Such 
creative innovations might be artworks, social entrepreneurship, 
scientific intervention or innovations that harness everyday creativity. 
They might seek to decode the complex relationships between people, 
nature and technology in urban settings. Or they might be conceived as 
interventions that can help contribute to profound social change, or 
suggest alternative possibilities for or critical perspectives on 
A new relationship is emerging as computing migrates into the 
environment. When the Earth is mapped, tagged and digitized, it ceases 
to be inert raw material and becomes instead navigable, computable and 
manipulable. How will this affect the way that industrial societies have 
viewed the environment as a resource to be exploited and tamed?
Leonardo is soliciting texts that document the works of artists, 
researchers, and scholars involved in the exploration of sustainability 
in urban environments. Themes and issues may include:
- Sustainability in urban environments
- Ubiquitous, pervasive, locative and mobile communication technology
- Growing community
- Sowing seeds of social change.
Linked activity includes an Urban Climate Camp forum at ISEA2008 in 
Singapore in August 2008, and an exhibition and workshop at Futuresonic 
2009 in Manchester, U.K., during May 2009, http://www.futuresonic.com. 
Submissions are welcome in all linked strands of activity.
Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts or proposals to 
leonardomanuscripts at gmail.com. Leonardo submission guidelines can be 
found of Leonardo On-Line: http://www.leonardo.info.
For more information on Leonardo special project Lovely Weather: Artists 
and Scientists on the Cultural Context of Climate Change: 
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