[Leonardo/ISAST Network] Reminder: Tell us what you think in the Leonardo Network Survey

Leonardo/ISAST isast at leonardo.info
Tue Apr 1 15:12:25 EDT 2008

THANK YOU to all the individuals who have taken the time to complete the 
Leonardo Network Survey. Your feedback is well received and greatly 
appreciated. For those of you who have not yet taken the survey and wish 
to do so, it will be available through the end of April (see below for 
how to access it).
The short survey is designed to learn more about you, as a member of our 
community and your professional and academic interests. We also invite 
feedback on the services and products provided by the organization along 
with suggestions for how we may improve ourself. The survey should only 
take a few minutes to complete and the resulting responses will be 
tremendously useful in our discussions and planning for the future of 
the organization.
To take the survey, please follow this link:
If for some reason you are unable to access the link above, you can also 
find a link to the online survey on the home page of the Leonardo web 
site: http://www.leonardo.info

In appreciation, we are offering a free listing in the Leonardo 
Electronic Directory to those who complete the survey. More information 
about this is posted at the end of the survey.

Thank you for your participation!


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