[LCM Events] Arab-American Comedian in new show in Arlington/Cambridge area October 7

ELAINE HAGOPIAN echagop at verizon.net
Tue Oct 2 14:42:08 EDT 2012

A New Show: Dean Obeidallah for Vice President!!!!!


Please Circulate to your lists and plan to attend.  Students pay only $15.00  Free Parking in municipal lot with entrance across the street from the Theatre on Medford St. (off Mass. Ave. in Arlington Center).  Dean is Hilarious.


Award Winning comedian Dean Obeidallah comes to Boston for one show on Sunday, October 7 joined by Arab-American YouTube comedy star “Go Remy”



Dean Obeidallah has appeared on numerous US and international TV shows including Comedy Central's "Axis of Evil" special, ABC's "The View," "Comics Unleashed," NBC's "Rock Center," MSNBC's "Up with Chris Hayes," Current TV's "The Young Turks," and can be seen weekly on CNN offering comedic commentary on political and topical issues. He also writes weekly opinion articles for CNN.com. ( <http://www.deanofcomedy.com/> www.deanofcomedy.com)


The San Francisco Weekly wrote: "Dean Obeidallah is a gruff-voiced, shoot-from-the-hip New Yorker...fresh and clever."


The Washington Post called Dean: "an angsty Arab Chris Rock."  


Promo trailer for the tour:  <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt3UDpaA-rI> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt3UDpaA-rI


Special guest for the show:  “Go Remy” – the Arab-American YouTube comedy star who has toured the US and made such famed comedy music videos as "Hey There Khalilah," "Saudis in Audis," and "“The Tabbouleh Song” which as been viewed over 1 million times:  <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FaNzrtu0KM> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FaNzrtu0KM


 Show Details:
 Sunday, October 7, 2012 at 7:30 PM

 The Regent Theater, 7 Medford Street, Arlington, MA


Tickets:  <http://www.regenttheatre.com/details/dean_obeidallah_for_vice_president> http://www.regenttheatre.com/details/dean_obeidallah_for_vice_president or call  <tel:781-%20646-4849> 781- 646-4849

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