[LCM Events] BUY TICKETS for MIT-ASO 9th SciTech Awards Banquet

Obaidah Abuhashem ohashem at MIT.EDU
Thu Mar 15 18:31:10 EDT 2012

The MIT Arab Students’ Organization****

*The 9th Annual Science and Technology Awards Banquet*

April 6, 2012****

With keynote speaker****

*Prof. Huda Akil*

Co-director of the Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience Institute at the
University of Michigan****

Former president of the Society for Neuroscience****

2012 MIT ASO Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient****

Tickets are on sale now through the following website:


Regular tickets $50

Student tickets $25 (limited quantity)

*Ticket prices will go up on April 2 so buy your tickets now!*

Business attire is suggested.

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*About the MIT ASO Science and Technology Awards:*

Every year, the Arab Students' Organization at MIT organizes the MIT ASO
Science and Technology Awards Banquet to recognize outstanding Arab and
Arab-American contributions to science and technology. The ceremony draws
over 150 members of the Arab and Arab-American communities to celebrate the
career-long accomplishments of the Lifetime Achievement Award recipient.
The following awards will also be given:

1. The Young Professional Award recognizes the early career achievements of
a young Arab or Arab-American scientist or technologist.

2. The Student Awards, given to one Undergraduate student and one Graduate
student, recognize the academic and leadership achievements of outstanding
Arab or Arab-American students in any US campus. Each of these awards comes
with a $1,000 cash scholarship.

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ASO SciTech 2012 Team****

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SciTech Webpage:****


Obaidah Abuhashem
President, MIT Arab Students Organization
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
 Class of 2012
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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