[LCM Events] Still Seeking Nominations for the MIT Arab Students Organizations SciTech Awards

Obaidah Abuhashem ohashem at MIT.EDU
Sun Mar 11 00:31:33 EST 2012

Dear All,

The MIT Arab Students' Organization is still seeking nominations for the *MIT
ASO Science and Technology Awards*. We
have extended the nominations deadline to *midnight *Sunday March 11th,

We are accepting nominations for the *Undergraduate *Student Award,
the *Graduate
*Student Award and the *Young Professional* Award.

Tickets are on sale now through the following website:

*Please NOMINATE friends and spread the word!*


Obaidah Abuhashem

President, MIT-ASO


The MIT Arab Students’ Organization****

*The 9th Annual Science and Technology Awards Banquet*

April 6, 2012****

With keynote speaker****

*Prof. Huda Akil*

Co-director of the Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience Institute at the
University of Michigan****

Former president of the Society for Neuroscience****

2012 MIT ASO Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient****

Tickets are on sale now through the following website:


Regular tickets $50

Student tickets $25 (limited quantity)

*Ticket prices will go up on April 2 so buy your tickets now!*

Business attire is suggested.

 ** **

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*The MIT ASO is seeking nominations for the Young Professional Award, the
Graduate Student Award, and the Undergraduate Student Award.*

-          The Young Professional Award recognizes the early career
achievements of a young Arab or Arab-American scientist or technologist.****

-          The Graduate Student Achievement Award recognizes the academic
and leadership achievements of outstanding Arab or Arab-American graduate
students in U.S. universities. The award comes with a $1,000 cash

-          Undergraduate Student Achievement Award recognizes the academic
and leadership achievements of outstanding Arab or Arab-American
undergraduate students in U.S. universities. The award comes with a $1,000
cash scholarship.****

** **

The deadline for submitting nominations is *Sunday, March 11, 2012*.****

Nomination guidelines:****

Nominations should highlight the professional, academic and/or
extra-curricular achievements of the nominees and include any supporting
materials (resumes, publications, academic records, references, etc).
Candidates can also nominate themselves. Nominations should be sent by
email to scitech2012 at mit.edu and include the following:****

1. Name of nominee.****

2. Address.****

3. Phone number.****

4. E-mail address.****

5. A brief Nomination Statement. How does the nominee qualify for the award?

6. Any supplementary material that support the nominee’s claim to the award.

7. The nominator’s (if any) name, title, address, phone number, and e-mail

8. (Optional) The names and contact information of other people who would
second the nomination.****


*Qualifications and criteria for nomination:*****


- The nominee must be an Arab or an Arab-American.****

- The nominee must be under 35 years of age.****

- The nominee’s CV must prove significant scientific and technical
contributions. ****

- The nominee has committed to continue contributing to his/her field. ****

- Current MIT ASO officers must forfeit any promised financial returns from
the awards to qualify.****


Nominations will be reviewed by a selection committee of MIT Arab and
Arab-American professors who come from different science and technology
related background.

*About the MIT ASO Science and Technology Awards:*****


Every year, the Arab Students' Organization at MIT organizes the MIT ASO
Science and Technology Awards Banquet to recognize outstanding Arab and
Arab-American contributions to science and technology. The ceremony draws
over 150 members of the Arab and Arab-American communities to celebrate the
career-long accomplishments of the Lifetime Achievement Award recipient.


This is a great opportunity to be recognized by the Arab and Arab-American
community not only in the Boston area, but nationwide. The success of
previous ceremonies is a testimony to how award winners and nominees attain
a great deal of recognition from the Arab and Arab-American community and


*Please nominate professionals and students that you think have made great
contributions to the community. Remember: you can nominate yourself!*

* ***

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ASO SciTech 2012 Team****

** **

SciTech Webpage:****


Obaidah Abuhashem
President, MIT Arab Students Organization
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
 Class of 2012
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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