[LCM Events] Emile Bustani Middle East Seminar

Stacy Pyron stacyp at MIT.EDU
Thu Sep 29 13:43:57 EDT 2011

Prospects for Peace and Stability in Two Sudans
Dr. Alexander de Waal
Executive Director, World Peace Foundation
Fletcher School, Tufts University

October 25, 2011
E51-395 (Tang Center, 70 Memorial Drive)

For more information: http://web.mit.edu/cis/bustani/

When the ruling parties in northern and southern Sudan began negotiations on post-referendum arrangements in mid-2010, they committed themselves to an overriding principle of establishing constructive and peaceful relations between northern and southern Sudan which will promote the viability of both states. Since the independence of South Sudan on July 9, 2011, this principle is not being pursued, and the two governments are seeking to weaken one another. While each is seeking negotiating advantage, they are also driven by a reciprocal sense of vengefulness for past wrongs. International mediation efforts to reach agreement on financial arrangements for oil resources that are extracted in the south but pumped to market through the north, on the disputed area of Abyei, on a border management mechanism, on transitional arrangements for currency, and on the citizenship and residency rights of people from the south living in the north and vice versa, are achieving little success. Meanwhile, armed conflict has erupted in the northern states of Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile. The risk is that, should they fail to cooperate, both Sudan and South Sudan will find themselves ungovernable.
Alexander de Waal is Executive Director of the World Peace Foundation, and a research professor at the Fletcher School, Tufts University. Formerly he was program director at the Social Science Research Council, fellow at the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, director of Justice Africa, and also acted as regional advisor (on the Horn of Africa) to SSRC’s Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum. He has served as senior advisor to the African Union on Sudan.
de Waal received a D.Phil. from Oxford in 1988, has published eleven books, has been listed as one of the “100 top public intellectuals” by Prospect and “27 brave thinkers” by Atlantic Monthly. He has published two books in the African Arguments series – Darfur: A New History of a Long War (with Julie Flint), and AIDS and Power: Why There is No Political Crisis—Yet.
Seminars will be held in MIT building E51, 70 Memorial Drive, Cambridge.
Emile Bustani Middle East Seminar: http://web.mit.edu/cis/bustani/
For more information:
Stacy Pyron
stacyp at mit.edu<mailto:stacyp at mit.edu>

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