[LCM Events] Fwd: Get a taste of the world: iFair 2011, April 22

Dima Ayyash dayyash at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 19 23:11:30 EDT 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lina Garcia <lmgarcia at mit.edu>
Date: Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 10:56 PM
Subject: Get a taste of the world: iFair 2011, April 22
To: senior-haus at mit.edu

Celebrate culture at MIT at...
*International Fair 2011
*Food, art, crafts, music, dance, performances, games and more from around
the globe

Friday, April 22
Kresge Oval (right outside the Student Center)
10am to 4pm

*With exquisite food from:*
Africa, Bulgaria, the Caribbean, Colombia, Greece, Hawaii, Korea, Lebanon,
Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Palestine, Puerto Rico, Spain, and Turkey

*...stunning performances by:*
AID MIT, Bulgarian Club, Colombian Student Association, Falun Dafa Club,
Korean Graduate and Undergraduate Students Associations, Hellenic Students
Association, MIT Ohms, Turkish Student Association, Spouses & Partners @
MIT, and Techiya

Arab Students Organization, Egyptian Club @ MIT, Graduate Soccer Club,
Japanese Association at MIT, Russian Connection, and more!

Order your ISA at MIT t-shirt (bringing the world together),
Play soccer in Kresge Lawn, and
Enter to win gift certificates to the store of your choice.

*Get ready for the greatest cultural celebration at MIT, iFair 2011!*
 Brought to you by the ISA, awesome cultural groups at MIT, and LEF!
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