[LCM Events] ASO-LCM Research Lecture Series

Carine Abi Akar cabiakar at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 25 13:00:49 EDT 2010

Hi Everyone,

The MIT Lebanese Club and Arab Students Organization are excited to invite
you to our *Research Lecture Seminar Series*! This time, we are pleased to
have *Mirna Slim*, an MIT Ph.D student in the department of Earth Atmosphere
and Planetary Sciences, and* Ammar Ammar*, an MIT Ph.D. student in the
department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, present on their
exciting research!

When: Wednesday, October 27
Time: 6:30 pm
Where: 4-163

*Mirna will be talking about talking about stress distribution under "real"
topography using a
boundary element method and comparing results to well logs. Ammar will be
talking about the use of probabilistic models, Algorithms, and other tools
commonly used in EECS to solve problems in a vast range of areas ranging
from elections, to web search, and *
*revenue maximization.*

So come join us for *dinner* on October 27, and learn a little bit about the
amazing things that our friends and colleagues are doing around campus!

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