[LCM Events] April 7: "Israel in the New Middle East"?-Change of Venue

Fares Center Fares-center at tufts.edu
Mon Apr 6 13:41:57 EDT 2009

On Tuesday, April 7 at 5:30pm, the Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean
Studies & The Charles Francis Adams Lecture Series will be sponsoring a
lecture by Professor Joel S. Migdal entitled "Israel in the New Middle
East"?.  Professor Migdal is the Robert F. Philip Professor of International
Studies at the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University
of Washington. 


*Please note that the venue for this event has been changed from ASEAN
Auditorium, to the room 702 of the Cabot Intercultural Center (160 Packard
Avenue, Medford, MA 02155). 


*This lecture is  Open to the Public




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