[LCM Events] Reminder: LCM/INLET Event TOMORROW - Tuesday, February 19th

Zeina Ghaleb Saab zsaab at MIT.EDU
Mon Feb 18 18:51:04 EST 2008

Dear All,

The INLET/LCM event is TOMORROW - Tuesday, February 19th at 6:30pm, here at MIT
in 6-120 (http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=6&Buildings=go).

Come listen to our keynote speaker give a talk on "Exit Strategies," meet and
network with Lebanese students and professionals, and enjoy some good food.

Please find the event details below from the INLET Program Chair, Habib Haddad.

Thanks and we hope to see many of you there!


Dear INLET and LCM members,

The next event of the Entrepreneurship forum will take place on *Tuesday
February 19 at 6:30pm*.

This event will be a joint event with the Lebanese Club at MIT and *will be
held at MIT* (Room 120, Building 6,

This event is entitled:

* "Exit strategies: The recipe for a successful exit"*

A networking session and dinner will start at 6:30pm, followed by a
presentation from our keynote speaker, Dr. Louay Eldada, CTO and VP of
Engineering of DuPont Photonics Technologies, the optical communication
business of DuPont.

Dr. Eldada started his professional career in 1994 at Honeywell, where he
established the Telecom Photonics business, and managed its product
development arm.  This business was acquired in 1999 by Corning. He left
Corning in 2000 to co-found Telephotonics, a fiber optic start-up where he
served as the CTO and Vice Chairman until its acquisition in 2002 by DuPont.

In addition to authoring hundreds of papers and a number of books on optical
communications, Dr. Eldada has presented numerous keynote talks worldwide.
He holds a PhD degree in optical engineering from Columbia University, and
has over forty patents in fiber optics.

This event will focus on building a sound exit strategy and a robust
contingency plan. Dr. Eldada will share his related experience and elaborate
on how entrepreneurs can increase their chances of a successful exit.

This event is free for students.
Registration fees for professionals are $10 for INLET members and $15 for
non INLET members. To join INLET please click

RSVP is required. To RSVP please send an email to events at inlet-lebanon.org or to
zsaab at mit.edu

Food is ordered on a registration basis.  Please let us know in advance if
you will join us so that we make sure to have enough for all of you.

For additional information please do not hesitate to contact us at
events at inlet-lebanon.org

Best Regards,
-Habib Haddad

Program Chair
habib at inlet-lebanon.org

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