[LCM Events] TIME CHANGE: BBQ Next Sunday, May 4th at 1pm

Zeina Saab zsaab at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 28 11:13:18 EDT 2008

Dear All,

Please note that the BBQ will now begin at 1pm (instead of noon) on 
Sunday, May
4th.  This will give everyone enough time to sleep in and get hungry!

See you then!

Quoting Zeina Saab <zsaab at mit.edu>:

> Dear All,
> Don't forget to join us at our Spring BBQ next Sunday, May 4th 
> starting at noon
> in the S&P Courtyard.
> http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=NW86&Buildings=go
> Bring your friends and come enjoy a day outside with great food, music, and
> company.
> See you then!
> Zeina

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