[LCM Events] FW: Any more students who might be interested?

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Fri Sep 21 10:24:39 EDT 2007


From: Dr. Gregory Payne
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 9:01 AM
To: loai at mit.edu
Subject: Loai - Any more students who might be interested?


Please look this over and pass on to anyone who might want to be a star!


Empower Peace, a Boston-based non-profit organization that uses cutting-edge
technology to connect youth worldwide is looking for 4 college-aged Arab
students studying at American universities to be reporters for a pilot TV
show called "Assignment America."

The goal of "Assignment America" is to provide insight into American life
and culture through the eyes of Arab students studying in America.  The show
consists of reporters' stories and panel discussions on a wide-variety of
issues.  Each reporter would be assigned a story to cover for each episode -
and then would be required to spark a discussion about the story with their
fellow reporters.
Stories are wide-ranging and will cover all American life.  Topics could
include: going to a baseball game at Fenway Park, eating a Thanksgiving
dinner with an American family, or reporting on the differences between
smoking in America and the Middle East.
The student reporters need not have a background in TV or television
production, but should have a good, outgoing personality.  We are looking
for talkative, opinionated speakers who can engage an audience and aren't
afraid of talking about everything from politics and current events to music
and pop culture.  All candidates must be fluent in Arabic and English.
For more information or to request an interview, please contact Asad Butt -
abutt at empowerpeace.org..

Dr. Gregory Payne
An Organizational and Political Communication Professor at Emerson College

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