[LCM Events] Reminder: Arab Seminar Series TONIGHT

Zeina Ghaleb Saab zsaab at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 7 13:12:28 EST 2007

Dear All,

Don't forget to pass by room 3-133 tonight at 7pm to listen to two research
presentations and to enjoy some tasty Lebanese food!!

Our speakers are Ali Mohmmad, a Ph.D. candidate from CSAIL, and Rami Rahal, a
Ph.D. candidate from Biology.  Ali will discuss his work on Natural Language
Processing - a field attempting to allow electronic systems to process human
language.  Rami will discuss his work on the machinery that controls chromosome
segregation during cell division.

Arab Research Seminar Series
Wednesday Nov. 7
MIT Room 3-133

Hope to see you there!

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