[LCM Events] 4th ASO Science and Technology Achievement Awards Banquet...Sat. April 14, 7pm...Tickets On-line NOW!

Mariam Kandil mkandil at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 23 13:20:34 EDT 2007

***Reminder:Only two weeks left for ticket sales...limited seating available.***

Dear Community,

We would like to reiterate our invitation to you to attend the 4th Annual ASO
Sciene and Technology Achievement Awards Banquet on Saturday, April 14th 2007
at 7:00pm at the Hotel at MIT in Cambridge, MA.

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our winners for this

. The winner of the Young Professional Award is Dr. Hayat Sindi

. The winner of the Graduate Student Award is Dr. Saleh Al-Tuwaijri

. The winner of the Undergraduate Student Award is Ali Al-Hassani

The winners were selected based on their scholastic, research and community
achievements and contributions. They epitomize the excellence associated
with our awards and we thank them for their contribution and great

More information and online ticket sales are available through our website:

We have an amazing evening lined up for you all. We are honored by the
presence of our Keynote Speaker, Dr. Huda Zoghbi, Professor of Pediatrics,
Neurology and Neuroscience, Baylor College of Medicine, Investigator, Howard
Hughes Medical Institute and Member, National Academy of Sciences, who will
be receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Introducing Dr. Zoghbi will be MIT President, Susan Hockfield.

We look forward to seeing you all and we hope that you join us in
commemorating these awards and in honoring our awardees and the Arab
Community as a whole for its major contributions in the sciences.


Mariam Kandil
ASO President

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