[LCM Events] post request - bilal ghandour

Bilal Ghandour bilalghandour at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 11:53:10 EDT 2007

Dear Lebanese compatriot:

 I am a Lebanese graduate student in Clinical Psychology at UMASS, Amherst.
I am currently working on my doctoral dissertation, and am doing a study
that looks at marital value differences between European-Americans and
Lebanese (or Lebanese-Americans).

 I am contacting you because I am in desperate need of participants for my
study. If you were born in Lebanon, have been married at least 6 mts. and
have been living in the US for 2 years or less, then your help is very much
needed! Of course, all info is strictly confidential and no one will be
identified by name.

 If you fit that criteria or know someone that does please let me know! The
study takes about 45 minutes and consists of a couple of questionnaires.

You won't need to travel to do the study, my Research Assistant and I will
meet  you at your home or office, whichever is most convenient to you.

 Thanking you in advance,

 Bilal Ghandour

 email: bilalghandour at gmail.com

phone: 413-210-9691 (cell) ; 413-303-9197 (home)
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