[LCM Events] MLK day Cambridge event today

Hanan Karam hnkaram at MIT.EDU
Mon Jan 15 10:24:58 EST 2007

hi everybody, 

the events planned in Cambridge today in celebration of MLK day look really good. 
the flier is attached.  also, here's a short summary from cambridgema.gov. 
"Stand with Martin, Stand for Peace" Monday, Jan. 15

In honor of Martin Luther King Day, the Cambridge Peace Commission invites Cambridge to "Stands with Martin," Monday, January 15, from 1-3 p.m., with a vigil in front of City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue, followed by a tribute at the YWCA, 7 Temple St.

A vigil in front of City hall at 1 PM will be marked by Cambridge with placards that read "Stand with Martin in the spirit of peace" and "Stand for peace in the spirit of Martin" and the voice of Dr. King at the Riverside Church.

Following the vigil, the community is invited to the YWCA on Temple Street until 3 p.m. for hot drinks and an opportunity to share tributes to Dr. King and his relevance to today with youth from the Cambridge Peace and Justice Corps and CityPeace. Spoken word artist Amatul Hannan and the human-beat-box Nate Peyman will host a short multi-media presentation of conscious lyrics, hip-hop, poetry and spoken word with Cambridge-area artists.

The program is planned to pay tribute to the fullness of the peace and justice messages of King and to celebrate the work of peace and justice which takes place every day in our communities. Elder Queen Mother Frances Smith Pierce will be joined by rapper DL Daniel Laurent, Trumpeter, hip-hop freestyler Pete Shungu /AfroDZak and DJ On and On & NoDoz appearing as GOLDEN BROWN. Community Arts Center Artist Joseph Corbie is bringing the youth from his program to share the stage with acclaimed young poet/MC Sofia Snow and TAiNA Vargas to dance the spirits up.

The community is invited to bring light food to share at the YWCA.
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