[LCM Events] MIT ASO Science and Technology Awards Banquet...Student Award Nominations Deadline Friday Feb. 23!

Mariam Kandil mkandil at MIT.EDU
Mon Feb 19 00:03:22 EST 2007

The MIT Arab Students Organization proudly presents:

The 4th Annual MIT ASO Arab-American Science and Technology Awards Banquet

Keynote Speaker and Lifetime Achievement Award Winner:  Dr. Huda Zoghbi,
Professor, Baylor College of Medicine, Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical

When:  Saturday, April 14, 2007. Reception and Dinner (7pm to 10pm)

Where:  Hotel at MIT Cambridge, MA

Among the attendees this year will be MIT President Hockfield, who will give the
evening?s opening speech.

*****We are still accepting undergraduate student award nominations! Please send
them as soon as possible as the deadline is this Friday (the 23rd)...See below
for details.*****

About the MIT ASO Arab-American Science and Technology Awards:

Every year, the MIT ASO organizes the Arab-American Science and Technology
Awards to recognize outstanding Arab contributions to Science and Technology in
the US. The ceremony consists of the following awards:

1. The Keynote Speaker Award recognizes the career-long achievements of a
leading scientist or technologist of Arab origin.

2. The Young Professional Award recognizes the early career achievements of a
young Arab-American scientist or technologist.

3. The Student Awards, given to one Undergraduate student and one Graduate
student, recognize the academic and leadership achievements of outstanding Arab
students in any American campus. Each of these awards comes with a $1000

About the nomination procedure for potential awardees:

The MIT Arab Students Organization accepts nominations for the Young
Professional Award and Student awards from the public. The deadline for
submitting nominations is Friday, February 23, 2007. Nominations should
highlight the professional, academic and/or extra-curricular achievements of
the nominees and include any supporting materials (publications, academic
records, references, etc). Students can also nominate themselves. Please refer
to the official guidelines on
http://web.mit.edu/arab/www/SciTech/06/nominate.html.  Nominations should be
sent by email to: arab-comm at mit.edu

This is a great opportunity to be recognized by the Arab community, not only in
the Boston area, but nationwide. The success of previous years has meant that
past Professional and Student award winners and nominees attain a great deal of
recognition from the Arab community and beyond. This is great chance for someone
who has contributed to community to be applauded for their hard efforts. Last
year?s Professional Award winner, Dr. Hisham Kassab, says about winning the

?First and foremost, I feel tremendously honored. To be considered, let alone
receive, such a prestigious award is a generous recognition and a much
appreciated reward. I now feel more inspired and more driven to set a positive
and successful example for other Arab technologists?.

Please feel free to nominate professionals and students you know that you think
have made great contributions to the community. Remember you can nominate

About this year?s Lifetime Achievement Award winner, Dr. Huda Zoghbi:

Dr. Zoghbi is a Professor at the Departments of Pediatrics, Molecular and Human
Genetics, and Division of Neuroscience, Baylor College of Medicine and an
Investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Dr. Zoghbi graduated from
the American University of Beirut with a B.Sc. in Biology. Later she went on to
received her MD from Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee, and
completed postgraduate training in pediatrics and pediatric neurology, and in
molecular and human genetics at Baylor College of Medicine.

Dr. Zoghbi's research employs tools of modern genetics to understand both the
proper development of the brain and specific neurodegenerative conditions. She
has published seminal work on the molecular basis of the late-onset
neurodegenerative disorder spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1). Her work in
neurodevelopment has led to the discovery of the gene Math1, which governs the
development of several components of the proprioceptive pathway as well as hair
cells in the inner ear. Zoghbi's group also discovered that mutations in the
methyl-CpG-binding-protein (MECP2) cause the neurodevelopmental disorder Rett
syndrome, which is a leading cause of mental retardation in girls and women.

Dr. Zoghbi is recognized as a leader in her field, in recognition of which she
has received:

- Kilby Award for Extraordinary Contributions to Society through Science,
Technology, Innovation, Invention, and Education
- E. Mead Johnson Award, Society for Pediatric Research
- Sidney Carter Award, American Academy of Neurology
- Ipsen Prize in Neuronal Plasticity
- Bernard Sachs Award, Child Neurology Society
- Marta Philipson Award for Progress in Pediatrics, Philipson Foundation for
Research, Stockholm, Sweden

Tickets sales will soon be available on-line.  Be on the look-out for emails to
come. Thank you for your continued support and see you at the event.

Kind Regards,

Mariam Kandil
MIT ASO President

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