[LCM Events] The Occupation and the Mind: Practicing Psychiatry in Palestine...Feb. 8, 7pm

Hanan Karam hnkaram at MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 7 10:05:19 EST 2007

Palestine at MIT and the Boston Coalition for Palestinian Rights present: 

    The Occupation and the Mind: Practicing Psychiatry in Palestine

    By Dr. Samah Jabr

    Thursday Feb. 8..... 7-9pm.

    MIT Room 4-153


  Dr. Jabr's Bio
  Samah Jabr is a Palestinian psychiatrist who is currently working at the Community Mental Health Clinics in Ramalla and Jericho. She is one of the very few Psychiatrists, especially women, working in the Palestinian territories. Jabr is a native of Jerusalem and that is where she finished her studies in medicine. After Graduating from Al Quds University; Jabr received the French Government's scholarship and moved to France for her specialty program in General Adult Psychiatry at Paris 7 University; In addition, she is a holder of an Academic Diploma on the Psychological Trauma of Children from Paris 6 University.

  Jabr has developed a profession in writing since 1999; her English and French articles appeared in different International newspapers and magazines, including the New Internationalist, La Croix, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The International Herald Tribune. Jabr is currently a regular contributor to the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs and the Palestine Times of London.

  Jabr has been invited to several European and African countries to share the Palestinian perspective with a wider audience of churches and universities.

  Her visits to the United States started as a researcher in biochemistry at Iowa State University, supported by the Howard Hughes Medical institute and the International Women in Science and Engineering grants, then she was invited as a speaking lecturer to Fordham University and Saint Peters College; she also was a speaker at the international conference, Beyond Violence, held at the University of Southern California in 2003. 


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