[LCM Events] Invitation to Human Rights in the Middle East event

Belkis Wille wille at fas.harvard.edu
Mon Apr 23 19:25:27 EDT 2007

This is an invitation for you to meet and listen to a presentation  
given by a Syrian Human Rights lawyer who works as the legal advisor  
to the Red Cross, an Iraq NGO worker, and a Lebanese journalist.

On Thursday April 26th at 7pm you are cordially invited by the  
Harvard College Advocates for Human Rights to a unique event at Harvard.
Three members of the Human Rights field in the Middle East are  
joining us from Syria, Iraq and Lebanon to provide their unique  
perspectives on the Human Rights situation in their own countries,  
what is being done, what can be improved upon and the general  
direction that the Human Rights movement is taking in the Middle East.
These speakers have travelled a very long way to provide us with  
their insight and their comments are ideal for anyone working in  
Human Rights as well as those with an interest in the Middle East.

When: Thursday April 26, 7pm-8:30pm
Where: CGIS Knafel, room N262

refreshments and snacks will be served

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