[LCM Events] Reminder- ADCMA Fall Film Event Tomorrow!- 8 pm-Belmont Theater

Caline Jarudi caline at adcma.org
Wed Oct 25 10:59:05 EDT 2006

>> The American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee of Massachusetts
>>  presents 2 award winning films, with commentary by their directors:
>> Just Your Average Arab
>> ( Directed by Raouf Zaki)
>> A satirical look at Arab American life in the post-9/11 world.
>> Winner of Best Film by Audience Vote at Boston Comedy Film Festival 2006
>> One Man¹s Treasure
>> (Directed R.G. Shalhoub)
>> ³One Man¹s Treasure² examines Syrian-American peddlers in Boston as junk
>> passion becomes obsession becomes demolition.
>> Winner of the Grand Festival Special Recognition Award at the 2006 Berkeley
>> Video and Film Festival
>> Screening at the Belmont Theater
>> 376 Trapelo Rd., Belmont, MA 02478
>> 8 pm Thursday, October 26th
>> All are welcome! Food and beverage available!
>> Suggested Donation: $5

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