[LCM Events] [Leb4ever] From Emergency to Emergence: A Benefit Banquet for Lebanon at MIT

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Fri Nov 10 07:49:33 EST 2006




>From Emergency to Emergence

A Benefit Banquet for Lebanon at MIT

Thursday, December 7, at 8pm




Dr. Joseph Aoun

President, Northeastern University

H.E. Dr. Tarek Mitri
Minister of Culture, Lebanon

Mr. Edgar Masri
Chief Executive Officer, 3Com







Walker Memorial, MIT
142 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA





$120 per person, $80 per student, $900 per table of 8*

online: web.mit.edu/lebanon
<http://web.mit.edu/lebanon/www/events/upcoming/e2e/index.html>  | phone:

check: Payable To Lebanese Club @ MIT (143 Albany St, #422B, Cambridge, MA





of $500 or more will be acknowledged in printed program and on campaign

of $1,000 or more will additionally enjoy preferential seating and oral
acknowledgement in opening remarks

donations encouraged online & via check independent of banquet attendance


net proceeds & donations contributed to  <http://www.bostontolebanon.com/>
fundraising campaign

http://www.bostontolebanon.com <http://www.bostontolebanon.com/> 



Limited seating; advance reservation encouraged [1]

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