[LCM Events] Loai Naamani on Iktisaduna wal Alam (Our Economy and the World) on Future TV Tonight at 9pm Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Ghassan Najib Fayad gfayad at MIT.EDU
Sun May 28 19:25:36 EDT 2006

Dear All,

I would like to announce that the Lebanese Club @ MIT President and TECHLEB|06
conference chair Loai Naamani will be on Iktisaduna wal Alam (Our Economy and
the World) talk show on Future TV tonight May 28, 2006 at 9pm Eastern Standard
Time (EST) to cover TECHLEB|06 from Beirut.

Best Regards,
Ghassan Fayad
Secretary of the Lebanese Club @ MIT

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