Najwa Obeid nobeid81 at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 20 13:19:08 EDT 2006

>From: "Michel Bilal" <michelbilal888 at hotmail.com>
>To: BIGALBOLSKY at aol.com, alkhatib_1981 at hotmail.com, arabbabeuk at hotmail.com, 
>bqag at hotmail.com, georgebilal2000 at yahoo.com, soniabilal444 at yahoo.com, 
>down2earthsoul at hotmail.com, george at afeiche.com, sue_habchi at hotmail.com, 
>habitantdevelopment at hotmail.com, haigo35 at hotmail.com, hayik at hotmail.com, 
>insuranceagent777 at hotmail.com, kbilal1 at yahoo.com, killereyes3 at hotmail.com, 
>layoush1 at hotmail.com, lebanesestarlight at hotmail.com, nov031976 at yahoo.com, 
>Lola-Candles at hotmail.com, lamia at midesigncorp.com, smaalouf at yahoo.com, 
>maryb78 at msn.com, dmashuri at uci.edu, media4u at hotmail.com, 
>neskhoury at hotmail.com, nobeid81 at hotmail.com, provgobe at hotmail.com, 
>raffitachdjian at hotmail.com, silkor at hotmail.com, 
>simoneeisentraeger at hotmail.com, simonhayek at hotmail.com, 
>gilbertsiryani at hotmail.com, filmfoxx at aol.com, sharon.talley at recycler.com, 
>tasha_bilal at msn.com, aplus at idm.net.lb
>Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 10:01:36 -0700
>>From: Lebanese Abroad <contact at lebanese-abroad.com>
>>To: michelbilal888 at hotmail.com
>>Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 20:58:07 +0200
>>                            U  R  G  E  N  T
>>Dear Compatriots and Friends of Lebanon,
>>Neither Barbarity nor the indifference of the world toward our
>>situation will get us down.We must turn our rage and our anger
>>into positive actions in order to ease the suffering of the
>>Lebanese people. Thank you to inform us of any action, whatever
>>its importance, in order to enable www.lebanese-abroard.com to
>>spread the information on our web site shortly.
>>You could already send your donations to the following bank
>>accounts and transmit this message to all your friends around
>>the world.
>>Samir Kassir Foundationi - LIBAN:
>>Byblos Bank - Tabaris Branch -Swift:  BYBALBBX
>>Compte USD: 380.3652902.001
>>Compte LB:  380.3652902.002
>>Society Saint Vincent de Paul - LIBAN:
>>Banque Audi  - Beirut - SWIFT BABELBBE
>>Compte USD: 088587/461/002/009/39
>>Compte LB:  088587/461/001/009/25
>>Ministère des Finances - LIBAN :
>>Compte de solidarité aux sinistrés Libanais
>>Banque du Liban
>>Compte USD: 02 700 362 123
>>Compte LB:  01 700 362 123
>>Ambassade du Liban - France :
>>Solidarité LIBAN - 42 rue Copernic 75116 PARIS
>>Banque AUDI SARADAR France - Swift : AUDIFRPP
>>Compte Euros : 00208240004 Cle RIB 22
>>We will recover, we will rebuild despite all opposition.
>>On the behalf of www.lebanese-abroard.com
>>                                o-O-o
>>Chers compatriotes et Amis du Liban
>>Ni la barbarie ni l'indifférence du monde n'auront raison de nous.
>>Nous devons transformer notre rage et notre colère en initiatives
>>visant à atténuer les souffrances du peuple Libanais. Merci de nous
>>informer de toute action dont vous auriez connaissance, si modeste
>>soit-elle, afin que www.lebanese-abroad.com puisse s'en faire l'écho
>>sur le site très prochainement. Vous pouvez déjà adresser vos dons
>>aux comptes bancaires suivants et transmettre ce message à tous nos
>>amis dans le monde :
>>Samir Kassir Foundation - LIBAN :
>>Byblos Bank - Tabaris Branch -Swift:  BYBALBBX
>>Compte USD: 380.3652902.001
>>Compte LB:  380.3652902.002
>>Society Saint Vincent de Paul - LIBAN :
>>Banque  Audi : - Beyrouth Swift : BABELBBE
>>Compte USD: 088587/461/002/009/39
>>Compte LB : 088587/461/001/009/25
>>Ministère des Finances - LIBAN :
>>Compte de solidarité aux sinistrés Libanais
>>Banque du Liban
>>Compte USD : 02 700 362 123
>>Compte LB:   01 700 362 123
>>Ambassade du Liban - France :
>>Solidarité LIBAN - 42 rue Copernic 75116 PARIS
>>Banque AUDI SARADAR France - Swift : AUDIFRPP
>>Compte Euros : 00208240004 Cle RIB 22
>>On se relèvera, on rebâtira envers et contre tous.
>>Pour www.lebanese-abroad.com
>>                                o-O-o

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