[LCM Events] [Justice For Lebanon] Peaceful Rally to Protest Ongoing Israeli Violence in Lebanon and Gaza - Friday July 21, 12-3pm

Helmy Mostafa yahelmy at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 20 12:44:20 EDT 2006

Join the Rally for Peace to Protest Ongoing Violence

Boston, MA | July 19, 2006 | The Massachusetts Chapter of the  American Arab
Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADCMA) will be holding a rally for peace to
protest Israeli military action in Lebanon and Gaza on Friday, July 21, from
12-3 pm in front of City Hall Plaza.

We invite you to join ADC and other organizations as we call for an
immediate ceasefire and for peace in the region. This rally is open to all
peace loving persons and organizations. Contact ADC to add your organization
to the list of participants. 

WHAT: Peaceful Rally to Protest Ongoing Israeli Violence in Gaza and Lebanon

WHEN: July 21, 2006 from 12-3 pm 

WHERE: City Hall Plaza

HOW: For questions, please contact Caline Jarudi at 617-262-8902 or
caline at adcma.org. 

NOTE TO EDITORS: ADC, which is non sectarian and non partisan, is the
largest American Arab civil rights organization in the United States. It was
founded in 1980 by former Senator James Abourezk to combat racial
stereotyping and to protect the civil rights of people of Arab descent in
the United States. ADC has 38 chapters nationwide, including chapters in
every major city in the country and members in all 50 states. 
Caline M. Jarudi
Executive Director
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee of Massachusetts
Coalition of Co-Sponsors: (In alphabetical order)
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee- Massachusetts Chapter
BCPR (Boston Coalition for Palestinian Rights)
Grassroots International
International Socialist Organization, Boston branch
The Lucy Parsons Center
MAS (Muslim American Society) Boston chapter Freedom Foundation
Network of Arab-American Professionals- Boston
Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East
WILPF Boston (Women's International League for Peace & Freedom)
The list is growing
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