[LCM Events] FW: Donations to Lebanon

Rima Rachid rimarachid at msn.com
Wed Aug 23 18:57:11 EDT 2006

>From: "Rachid, Rima" <Rima.Rachid at childrens.harvard.edu>
>To: undisclosed-recipients:;
>Subject: Donations to Lebanon
>Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2006 18:53:03 -0400
>Dear all,
>Attached please find the list of the needs (medical and non-medical)
>prepared by Mercy Corps and the Hariri Foundation. The deadline to
>deliver these to the Mercy Corps warehouse in Massachusetts is August
>You have the option of sending them directly to Mercy Corps (address in
>PDF document) or to my address , and we will deliver them...
>In any case, please make sure you attached a clear list of the items you
>are donating on the packages.
>The committee of the Washington AUB-Alumni chapter was able to submit a
>very organized list of items to Mercy-Corps/Hariri Foundation, and this
>list has helped a lot. We are trying to do the same. A similar list will
>be submitted to all the items you will be sending to my address (I can't
>do that list for the items that will be sent directly to Mercy Corps, so
>PLEASE make sure the items are clearly listed on the packages. )
>As you can see, the needs also include kits. IN case you decide on
>sending kits, please make sure that you are sending the complete kit,
>and not some of its items.
>In case you would like to send medications (prescription or
>over-the-counter), please make sure that the expiration date is not
>sooner than SEptember 2007.
>In case you want the medications to go to a particular hospital, please
>specify that on the package and inside the package, in an envelop.
>PLease make sure you inform these hospitals that these medications are
>NOT FOR SALE.  they should be delivered for free to the needy patients.
>In case you do not want a specific hospital to receive the meds, they
>will be delivered to the Ministry of Health, that will distribute them
>to the hospitals according to the needs.
>Please feel free to forward this email widely.
>Please let me know if you have any questions.
>Rima Rachid, M.D.
>President, AUB-Alumni New England Chapter
>Cell 617-372-0180
>50 Follen Street, Apt 212
>Cambridge, Ma 02138
>From: R Bizri
>Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 5:41 PM
>To: R Bizri; Rachid, Rima
>Subject: RE: contact info
>Dear Rima,
>Please ask all donors to have a packing  list of items they are
>Rafic Bizri
>From: Hfcgbuck at aol.com
>Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 5:27 PM
>To: Rachid, Rima
>Subject: Emergency Airlift
>Dear Ms. Rachid:
>Mr. Bizri has asked me to forward the attached document to you.  Please
>feel free to contact our office if you have any questions.
>Sincerely yours,
>Christiane G. Buck
>Immigration and Special Students
>Hariri Foundation
>7501 Wisconsin Avenue,
>Suite 715
>Bethesda, MD 20814
>phone: 301-656-1666
>toll free: 1-800-422-9955
>fax: 301-656-1613
>e-mail: hfcgbuck at aol.com

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