[LCM Events] PLEASE: Nominate for the Student Leaders Awards Luncheon Deadline May 3, 2006

Ghassan Najib Fayad gfayad at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 28 02:58:06 EDT 2006

Dear All,

Good news :), the nomination process has been extended till May 3, 2006.

The Lebanese Club @ MIT would like to invite you to nominate and support
yourself and your peers who have worked hard all year providing leadership,
creating exciting events, and enriching the MIT community.

On the belhaf of The Lebanese Club @ MIT, I recommend that you speak out in
supporting the Club future activities by lending it a nominating voice to
empower further the name of Lebanon and the LCM at MIT.

Here are some recommendations for the Group Nominations:
Large Event of the Year Award:   LibanissimoV & Cultural Week
ARCADE Event of the Year:   LibanissimoV & Cultural Week
Program of the Year Award:  LibanissimoV & Cultural Week
Best Example of TeamWork by an Organization :  The Lebanese Club @ MIT
Best Planned Event  :  TechLeb06: The First International Conference on
Technology Development in Lebanon.  You might want to nominate LibanissimoV &
Cultural Week,  YOU DECIDE.

I repeat these are just the recommendations from the LCM Executive Board.

As for Individuals Nominations:
There are the following awards that you might want to nominate for:
Graduate Leadership Award
Undergraduate Leadership Award
Outstanding Treasurer Award

Please Nominate at:

Ghassan Fayad
Secretary of the Lebanese Club @ MIT

Below you will find a brief Descriptions of:
The Lebanese Club @ MIT
TechLeb06: First International Conference on Technology Development in Lebanon
The official invitation for the nomination.

The Lebanese Club @ MIT:  (http://web.mit.edu/lebanon)
(LCM) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan MIT-based organization established in the late
1980s to foster a sense of community among the Lebanese students at MIT and to
promote Lebanese culture and concerns at the Institute and the Boston area at
large. Events organized by the club range from cultural outings, get-togethers,
and movie series, to mega theatrical productions, international conferences, and
high-profile speaker series, attracting multiple 500+ person audiences a year in
events budgeting over $100K. The club and its members have been featured and
interviewed in major media outlets like Kalam El Nas (LBCI), the Boston Globe,
Future TV, Annahar, the Daily Star, Dar Al Hayat, Profile News, Tech Talk, the
Eagle Tribute, the Tech, among others. The LCM has been cited by the Mayors of
Boston and Cambridge in their Official Proclamations of Gibran Day in both
cities in honoring the LCM?s production of ElAchkar's A Child of Life
monodrama, and has also received MIT's Best Program of the Year Award in 2003
for Libanissimo III. The LCM has co-founded the Harvard-MIT Lebanese Affairs
Think Tank (LATT) in October 2005 with a group of nonpartisan Boston-based
students and professionals in response to the series of historical developments
sweeping Lebanon at the time. Transcending the boundaries of MIT and the student
community, the club's current membership also enjoys active non-students,
non-MIT affiliates, and non-Lebanese nationals/expatriates.

More information:

TechLeb06: First International Conference on Technology Developement in Lebanon

TechLeb|06: is the first international conference on technology development in
Lebanon which will be held at MIT on May 20-21. It will be held under the
patronage of the Lebanese Government and will feature a roster of high-profile
speakers and conferees.  TECHLEB|06 aims to define the roadmap of development
strategies and initiatives essential to making Lebanon a vibrant and
sustainable technology hub in the Middle East & North Africa region (MENA). The
conference will convene key players from the Lebanese private sector,
government, and diaspora to connect the building blocks of Lebanon's technology
sector: technical and legal infrastructure, capacity development, economic
opportunity, global market access, and tax climate. The strategic importance of
a thriving technology sector in Lebanon lies in its ripple effect on other
sectors and services from both an economic and social standpoint.  While the
local industry seems potentially capable of playing its part in making Lebanon
an export-driven technology hub, the Lebanese government needs to create an
environment suitable for national expertise and innovation to flourish. Support
must be given to the ever-expanding diaspora to facilitate its effective
contribution to the production of new technology ventures and to Lebanon?s
transition towards a knowledge-based economy. The Indian, Irish, and Israeli
diasporas, among others, have been instrumental in their homelands? external
networking and technology export success. However, this could not have happened
without their governments assuming the role of an industry promoter and
providing the necessary infrastructural, legislative, financial, and
educational incentives. To this end, the conference intends to attract,
accommodate, and address the three pillars to any success for Lebanon as a
regional technology hub: the private sector, the government, and the diaspora.


Here is the Official Invitation:

From: Kiley Noonan [mailto:noonank at MIT.EDU]
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 9:53 AM
To: slal at mit.edu
Subject: Nominate for the Student Leaders Awards Luncheon

You are receiving this e-mail because you are on the list for being either
an officer or a signatory for your student organization or group.

Great News!  The deadline has been extended to next Wednesday, May 3rd at


You and your peers have worked hard all year providing leadership, creating
exciting events, and enriching the MIT community. Student Life Programs
encourages you to take the time to recognize your achievements and nominate
students and student groups for the 2005-2006 Student Leader Awards.
Nominate for Best Planned Event, The Student Leader Award, Best Philanthropy
event and many others....

The nomination deadline is Wednesday, May 3rd at 5 PM. There are award
categories for contributions to Student Activities, the Public Service
Center, and Residential Life Programs. To submit a nomination, check out the
easy-to-complete web form at  <http://web.mit.edu/slp/awards>


Then, four members of your club or organization are invited to join us to
congratulate the winners at the Student Life Awards Luncheon to be held on
Friday, May 19 from Noon until 1:30 PM in La Sala de Puerto Rico on the
second floor of the Stratton Student Center.

Questions? Please contact slal at mit.edu!

Kiley Noonan
Program Assistant for Student Activities
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue W20-549
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
(617) 253-8391 (fax)

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