[LCM Events] Documentary on Orhan Pamuk

Philippe Charles Saad philippesaad at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 15:50:27 EDT 2006

TO the lebanese list community.
Thanks for using the list to post more and more intellectual/cultural
events/ discussions.
It is not only about Lebanese Politics!! and Jokes.

On 4/6/06, seza metrebian <curlys74 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Dear  Friends,
> Recently a short documentary was aired on Orhan Pamuk and the Armenian
> Genocide on Australian Public Television. It can now be watched online
> by clicking on the following link.
> Very good documentary. Check it out!!
> http://www.abc.net.au/foreign/content/2006/turkey_pamuk_200k.asx
> Regards
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Philippe Charles Saad
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