[LCM Events] [URGENT] Syrian Ambassador at MIT Tomorrow!

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Mon May 9 17:32:34 EDT 2005

Dear Hanan,

I find it dismaying and quite offensive that you use the words "hostile", "close-minded", "(un)reasonable", and "counter-productive"
to describe a call for a "silent" and "moderated discourse" with Imad Mostapha.


I am also clueless as to where/how/why you infer this call to attend explicitly accuses Syria of the assassination. Those very
flags, pins, and posters you complain about taught the whole world not too long ago what a people's willpower (expressed in all
civility) can accomplish and change. No one described it as unreasonable, hostile, close-minded, and counter-productive.


Along with many others, I've been personally wearing this pin since the assassination (and openly distributing posters, pins, and
flags at all Lebanon-related events). Tomorrow's event is no different. Should a few pins and posters intimidate anyone, then I'm
consoled to feel we're wearing them in front of the right person at the right time, place, and context.


All said, this is a personal call. It does not originate from nor represent the LCM. I believe it is anybody's right to wear or
carry (or not) whatever they please into the venue, be it posters of Hariri, Assaad, or Pamela Anderson, as long as there is no
infringement on basic rights and freedoms.

You are more than welcome to distance yourself from our hostility and close-mindedness.



-----Original Message-----
From: Hanan Karam [mailto:hnkaram at MIT.EDU] 
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 4:18 PM
To: Loai Naamani
Cc: 'LCM Events'
Subject: Re: [LCM Events] [URGENT] Syrian Ambassador at MIT Tomorrow!


hey guys,


Is this reasonable?  There's no evidence that Syria was involved in the

assassination of Hariri.  I think the flags, pins, Hariri posters, and

hostile, close-minded attitude would be counter-productive to having

an open discussion with the Ambassador and making the best use of his






On Mon, 9 May 2005, Loai Naamani wrote:


> Dear all,


> I've just received a late notification from the Arab Student Organization at MIT that they're having Imad Mustapha, the Syrian

> Ambassador to the US, here at MIT tomorrow (Tuesday) at 5pm in 26-100 (http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?mapterms=26).


> I'm encouraging the largest Lebanese attendance, visible yet civilized. If we can all meet at 4pm at 77 Mass Ave (main MIT

> entrance), we can give each individual a Lebanese flag, a blue TRUTH pin, and a Hariri poster to carry with you 'silently' into

> venue. Any confrontation will come through moderated discourse during/after his talk.


> Please confirm your attendance and spread the word to your Lebanese contacts in the area whom we cannot reach via email.


> Looking forward to seeing you there,

> L.



> > -----Original Message-----

> > From: Shihab Elborai [mailto:husam at MIT.EDU]

> > Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 9:43 AM

> >

> > Please forward to appropriate lists

> >

> > The Arab Students Organization invites you come ask tough questions:

> >

> > "Syria and The USA: The present and future of a tumultuous relationship"

> >

> > by His Excellency Dr. Imad Moustapha, the Syrian Ambassador to the USA.

> >

> > When: Tuesday May 10, 5PM.

> > Where: Room 26-100.

> >

> > - Will Syria be the next target for US regime change?

> > - Is Democracy stirring in the Middle East?

> > - Lebanon-Syria relations in the wake of the Cedars Revolution.

> > - The future of Hizbullah, the US and Syria.

> >

> > Q&A session to follow. Free and open to the public.

> >

> > http://web.mit.edu/arab



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