[LCM Events] Justice for Lebanon Demonstration in Boston

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 23 21:26:24 EST 2005



A Justice for Lebanon demonstration and candlelight vigil is taking place this Friday, February 25, from 5-7pm, in front of City
Hall (Plaza), Boston.


The attached Press Release and Flyer articulate our sentiments as concerned Lebanese and Lebanese-Americans. Please attend in
solidarity with our cause and/or help with spreading the word.


If you wish to attend, we encourage you to:


- Familiarize yourself with our core message (in attached flyer)

- Wear dark/black clothes

- Sport red and/or white scarves, if available (we'll provide red & white arm ribbons)

- Arrive as early as possible; 4:30pm would be ideal


Spread the word and see you there,

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