[LCM Events] FW: Arabic Speaking male(s) needed...

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Mon Dec 12 15:42:12 EST 2005

Thanks Despina- I'm forwarding your request to our general mailing list. I
hope some of the LCM members and friends would be able to help and get in
contact with you directly.




From: Despina Pitsis
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 3:25 PM
To: LCM Officers
Subject: Arabic Speaking male(s) needed...



DearMIT Lebanese club officers, 


I hope this e-mail finds you well. I got your contact information from the
Lebanese Club @ MIT website and I'm hoping you could assist me in something
that I'm trying to organize.   


The Boston Language Institute is looking for 3 Arabic speaking families that
are willing to open up their homes to host 1 of 3 students for two months,
beginning on January 3rd, 2006.   I understand that culturally this will be
very difficult, which is why I was hoping to find Arabic speaking males
(students or others) who have room and may be able to host one male adult


The students will be enrolled in our 8-week Arabic Immersion Program
beginning on January 2nd and thus will be studying Arabic here at the
Institute for 40 hours a week.  They would like to continue their exposure
to the Arabic language and culture by living with Arabic speaking
families/persons during their program.  


We are T accessible (Kenmore stop) and are located at 648 Beacon St.,
Boston, MA 02215 thus access to public transportation is a plus.  


Host families will be well compensated.   


Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions that you may
have.  If you need more information, I'd be more than happy to speak with
you.  If you have other suggestions, they're more than welcome and if you
could pass this along to your members or others who may be interested I'd
greatly appreciate it.


Respectfully yours,




Despina Pitsis

Program Coordinator

Department of Foreign Languages

The Boston Language Institute

648 Beacon Street, 3rd floor

Boston, MA 02215

(w) 617-262-3500, ext. 221

(f) 617-262-3595




As New England's most broadly based language organization, The Boston
Language Institute offers comprehensive, one-stop service for all of your
language needs in over 140 languages from Arabic to Zulu.SM


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