[LCM Events] Middle East Discussion (April 25 at 6pm, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy)

Walid Georges Chamoun walid at chamoun.org
Fri Apr 22 15:22:32 EDT 2005

You are cordially invited to a panel discussion on
Lebanon, Syria, and US Policy toward the Middle East

(First in a series of discussions on the Middle East)

Monday, April 25, 6-8pm, ASEAN Auditorium
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Tufts University
(Followed by a Wine and Cheese Reception)


Ambassador Barbara Bodine (F'71)
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

Professor Augustus Richard Norton
Department of International Relations, Boston University

Professor Adil Najam
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy

The Fletcher Middle East Alumni Association

The Fletcher Alumni Association of Boston
Fletcher School Office of Development and Alumni Relations
Lebanese Club at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Click Here for Directions

For more information, contact Walid G. Chamoun or Katherine Nelson
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