[LCM Events] Arab Music Concert: Harvard Middle Eastern Music Ensemble withBassam Saba, April 17, 4 PM. Paine Hall

Hanan Karam hnkaram at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 8 15:47:49 EDT 2005

A Concert of
Classical Arab Music

Presented by the Ensemble of the
Harvard Middle East Music Study Group

Under the direction of
Bassam Saba

In a program of ensemble pieces and solo improvisations by Mr. Saba

Sunday, April 17
4 PM
John Knowles Paine Concert Hall
Music Building, North Yard, Harvard University

Co-Sponsored by
  The Center for Middle Eastern Studies & The Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library

Free admission - Open to the Public

For more information, please contact:
Yaron Klein (yklein at fas.harvard.edu)
Greg White (gwhite at fas.harvard.edu)

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