[LCM Events] An Evening of Modern Arabic Literature with Ahlam Mosteghanemi (fwd)

Hanan Karam hnkaram at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 8 14:47:37 EDT 2005

An Evening of Modern Arabic Literature

7:00 PM

Thursday, April 14, 2005

MacGregor House Dining

Sponsored by the McGregor House

Join us for an evening of modern Arabic literature by one of the foremost female authors in the
Arab world.  Ahlam Mosteghanemi is author of numerous works of fiction based in part on her life
as the daughter of one of Algeria's principal political opposition leaders.  Her works have
received critical acclaim and many awards, and her book, Dhakirat al- Jasad (Memory in the
Flesh), has been the focus of research by doctoral students at some of the leading universities
in the Arab world.  Through her translator, Bari'ah al-Ahmar, and her writings, Mrs.
Mosteghanemi will address issues relevant to today's world, such as life in the Muslim world,
the role of women in Muslim society, and life during a time of revolution and political

A small reception will follow the event.

Praise for Ahlam Mosteghanemi's work:

"Ahlam Mosteghanemi is an Algerian sun which enlightens Arabic literature.  She has carried
Algerian literature to a level which evolves into the history of the Algerian fight."

          -Algerian President Ahmed Ben Bella

 "Zakirat al-Jasad [Memory in the Flesh] pleased me enormously.  It conceals a mountain of
actual events, which describe the different facades of a hero of the Algerian revolution, the
old traditions linked to Constantine, and the way a woman is treated within Algerian society.
The novel deals with a speechless trilogy: religion, politics, and sex. ... As for the writer,
Ahlam Mosteghanemi, she is a magnificent woman.  She has been able to stand out, herself, as one
of the most important voices of the Arabic novel, and occupy the height of the literary pathway
until the end of the century."

          -Egyptian director, Youssef Chahine

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