[LCM Events] Press & Pics from "A Child of Life"

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Sat Oct 16 22:30:30 EDT 2004


The Lebanese Club @ MIT would like to share with you some of the pictures and press releases generated so far by A Child of Life, a
monodrama written, directed, and performed by Michel El-Ashkar at Kresge Theatre, MIT, last September.

A webpage dedicated to the post coverage of this event is available at:

English Press

-                Naharnet
582383?OpenDocument> , 10/14/2004

-                Profile News <http://web.mit.edu/lebanon/www/events/previous/AChildOfLife04/docs/ProfileNews.jpg> , 10/2004

-                Cedar News
Club%20@%20MIT> , 10/2004

-                The Daily Star
<http://web.mit.edu/lebanon/www/external.html?http://www.dailystar.com.lb/article.asp?edition_id=1&categ_id=1&article_id=8928> ,

-                The Tech <http://web.mit.edu/lebanon/www/external.html?http://www-tech.mit.edu/V124/N38/22childoflifejin.38p.html>
, 9/21/2004

-                Eagle Tribune <http://web.mit.edu/lebanon/www/events/previous/AChildOfLife04/docs/EagleTribune.jpg>  (scan),

-                Eagle Tribune
<http://web.mit.edu/lebanon/www/external.html?http://www.eagletribune.com/news/stories/20040917/LI_001.htm> , 9/17/2004

-                Tech Talk <http://web.mit.edu/lebanon/www/events/previous/AChildOfLife04/docs/TechTalk.jpg> , 9/15/2004

-                MIT News Office (TBA)

-                CEE Newsletter (TBA)

Arabic Press

-                Annahar <http://web.mit.edu/lebanon/www/external.html?http://www.annahar.com/Annahar/Data/2004/10/6/Art_99594.XML>
, 10/6/2004

-                Adab Wa Fan <http://web.mit.edu/lebanon/www/external.html?http://www.annaharonline.com/htd/EDU041006-6.HTM> ,

-                Dar Al-Hayat
, 10/5/2004

-                Al-Hawadeth (TBA)

The two official Kahlil Gibran Day proclamations by the mayors of Boston and Cambridge are provided here:

A photo album from the event is also available here:

Thank you for your interest in this event and to those of you who attended; we hope you enjoyed it!

You can stay up to date with the latest news on club events and Lebanon by signing up to our mailing list(s). For more information
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Loai Naamani
PhD Candidate - Information Technology
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

    Phone: +1 (617) 452 5380
    Email:  Loai at mit.edu
    URL:   www.Loai-Naamani.com <http://www.loai-naamani.com/> 


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