[LCM Events] FW: [LCM] Concert-Seminar, Boston

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 11 18:39:05 EDT 2004

The conference fees for the event below are waived for Lebanese Club @ MIT members. For more information, please visit:

 <http://web.mit.edu/lebanon/www/events/upcoming.html> http://web.mit.edu/lebanon/www/events/upcoming.html


From: lebanon-bounces at MIT.EDU [mailto:lebanon-bounces at MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of Counterpoint International
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 2:42 PM
To: jonathan.james at counterpointinternational.org
Subject: [LCM] Concert-Seminar, Boston


Counterpoint International. Dialogue through media and music.
Image of musicians and instruments.


November 6, 2004

Cronkhite Graduate Center
Harvard/Radcliffe Campus
6 Ash Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts

The role of the Arts in deepening Christian-Muslim dialogue.

With live music from the Counterpoint Quintet and ZilZALA.

This is the first in a series exploring how music, the visual arts and media could be used more effectively in cross-cultural and
interfaith discourse.

9am registration. Final buffet at 430pm.

$30 for attendance and meal, $15 for students.

Payment will be taken on the day.

More information and advance registration is available online at: http://www.counterpointinternational.org/events/boston.html

C Copyright Counterpoint International 2004

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