Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 9 02:39:23 EST 2004


From: Susan Barney [mailto:susanbarney at comcast.net] 
Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2004 11:47 PM
To: susanbarney at comcast.net


Dear friends,


A very historic event is taking place in Somerville this week.  A grassroots movement was started many months ago by a group called
the Somerville Divestment Project (SDP).  Check out their new website for background info on the group:
<http://www.divestmentproject.org/> http://www.divestmentproject.org/   


Because of their efforts, there is now a resolution before the Board of Alderman (local city councilors) to  "call on our cities,
towns, states, as well as unions and socially responsible investors to divest from Israeli bonds and companies which provide the
arms and equipment to carry out Israel's military occupation." 


Your attendance is requested at the Somerville Board of Aldermen meeting where the Aldermen will be voting on this resolution:


Tuesday, November 9 at 6:30 pm (sharp!)

Somerville City Hall, 2nd Floor

93 Highland Ave., Somerville, MA


If this resolution is passed, it will be the FIRST OF IT'S KIND IN THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES and will set a precedent for the rest of
the country. 


The opposition has now organized and we are expecting large protests at City Hall both Monday, Nov. 8 and Tuesday Nov. 9.


Please come out and show your support. Please forward this to all your friends.  Below is the latest email from SDP with details on
the Aldermen meeting on Monday and Tuesday.


In solidarity, 


Susan Barney



 -----Original Message-----
From: Divestment Project [mailto:divestmentproject at yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2004 12:20 PM
To: divestmentproject at yahoo.com
Subject: Tuesday Nov. 9th Divestment Gathering and Monday Nov. 8th Hearing

Dear Supporters,


Please forward this e-mail to friends of yours who support human rights for all people.


1) Tuesday Nov. 9th Meeting of Somerville Board of Alderman:


Please plan to attend the Tuesday Nov. 9th Board of Alderman meeting at 93 Highland Ave, 2nd Floor, in Somerville at 6:30 pm to show
your support for human rights for all people, including Palestinians, and for socially responsible investing.  Please try to bring 5
friends who support human rights.  


Please be prompt as this may affect the proceedings.


By showing up you are showing that there is decisive and demonstrable support for human rights for all people and for socially
responsible investing (SRI).  We believe that the anti-SRI people have a position which is immoral, and inconsistent with
fundamental human rights and international humanitarian law.


Some key points:


a) Conduct:  

The anti-divestment side will try to provoke us into a confrontation because they are interested in diverting the discussion away
from the issue at hand and make it seem as if there are "strong feelings on both sides etc..." and "this is a very complex issue..."
and try to delay the inevitable.  We have to be strong enough to resist these temptations to trap and stall us.


b) Interaction with Alderman:  

We need to treat each alderman in a civil fashion regardless of what happens.  So far we have treated each Alderman in a respectful
fashion.  Let's continue this.  Yelling and other inappropriate behavior only serve to undermine the positive relationships that we
have forged with each Alderman.  Write a passionate letter instead.  Let's be strong and dignified and let the other side expose


c) Urgency:  We all know that this matter is of the utmost urgency.  It is critical that local communities all over the U.S. take a
clear formal stand for human rights for all people including Palestinians.  This is a necessary step in our struggle.  We are
starting that process.  It's that urgency that drives us forward and keeps us calling and mailing to you.  Please understand this.


d) Perseverance:  Someone asked me the other day what we would do if things didn't go our way on the 9th, or if there was another
administrative snafu.  Our answer is this: We are determined to press on in the belief that justice and human rights will eventually


I think about the fact that my tax dollars are being used to shoot at schools and ambulances and how Palestinians persevere through
these atrocities and I know that I won't stop fighting.  I hope you won't either. 


We'll see you there at 6:30.


2) Monday Nov. 8th Hearing 

(Also at City Hall on Highland Ave):


Note that this is a separate meeting that occurs the day BEFORE the Tuesday Full Meeting (Nov 9th).  We would like you to show up
for this meeting as well if you are able to: in other words, come to both Monday and Tuesday if you are able to.


This meeting is also important since we are aware that the anti-socially responsible investing (anti-SRI) side is mobilizing for
this Commitee meeting. 


The Staff at the Somerville Divestment Project has come up with a list of 12 confirmed speakers who are each going to give brief
testimony (2 minutes) before the Legislative Committee. 


After the Committee meeting, you have the opportunity to talk to the Aldermen.   This is a good reason to be present.


This Committee meeting will start near 7:15 to 7:30 since there is another matter on the agenda before divestment.  


We have developed a strategy for this hearing that we think maximizes our chances of success based on our knowledge of the Aldermen
and their preferences.  


SDP Staff



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> -----Original Message-----

> From: Kareem Talhouni [mailto:komyt at yahoo.com]

> Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 8:31 AM

> To: Kareem Talhouni

> Cc: MIT Lebanon List; MIT MidBost List; MIT MidEast List; BU Arabs List; Harvard Arabs List; Harvard

> MidEast List; Harvard MidEast2 List


> 6:30PM


> For T-riders, the 88 or 90 buses travel down Highland

> Ave and leave from both Davis Sq. on the Red Line and

> Lechmere on the Green Line. Somerville City Hall is

> roughly halfway between those two stations.


> Please forward widely.

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