[LCM Events] FW: Reminder - 11/8-9 Fares Center Conference: US and The ME

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 8 06:21:24 EST 2004

Ghassan Tueini, Ghassan Salameh, Hanan Ashrawi and many others are participating...

> Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 6:00 AM
> To: fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies
> Subject: Reminder - 11/8-9 Fares Center Conference: US and The ME
> The conference on the United States and the Middle East (entitled
> "Engaging in Dialogue on US Foreign Policy"), will be held at Tufts on
> Monday and Tuesday November 8-9, 2004, in the ASEAN auditorium, Cabot
> Intercultural Center.  The conference is cosponsored by the Fares Center
> for Eastern Mediterranean Studies, The Fletcher School, the Provost's
> Office, and the University College of Citizenship and Public Service.
> The schedule can be found at the following link:
> http://farescenter.tufts.edu/ProgramSchedule2004.pdf
> For additional information about the conference, please contact Ms.
> Claudia Zelada, Staff Assistant, at the Fares Center, email:
> claudia.zelada at tufts.edu, telephone ext. 7-6560.

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