[LCM Articles] Summer Internship Opportunities in Lebanon with BASSMA NGO

Yalda Aoukar yalda_aoukar at ksg08.harvard.edu
Mon Feb 26 01:19:20 EST 2007

*Summer Internship Opportunities in Lebanon with BASSMA NGO  *

Are you still undecided for your internship this summer? Are you looking for
a way to align "the set of skills" that you have been taught at MIT with
meaningful public service that could shape the destiny of somebody's life?

How about shaping the destiny of a whole country?

BASSMA, a humanitarian association in Lebanon does exactly that. This summer
is a unique opportunity for you to be part of this experience because your
knowledge, talent and dedication are needed in a country in crisis.

Lebanon is a country currently undergoing a very tough transition. The
aftermath of the July 2006 war as well as the complete paralysis of the
governmental institutions has had many effects on the current state of the
country. Two effects are especially stringent. The first one is the economic
depression. It is hovering heavily over the country affecting the daily
lives of every citizen in Lebanon even the apolitical who are subdue to a
crisis that has been imposed upon them against their will. The second effect
is the severe immigration of Lebanon's capable work force, Lebanon's only
oil, which is depleting at an alarming rate.

However, some have chosen to stay, out of hope, out of idealism, out of love
for the country and with the deep conviction that the Lebanese people are in
a deep time of need. Only solidarity, faith and compassion can help those
completely deprived survive the massive ordeal. A large group of these
dedicated individuals are part of a humanitarian organization named BASSMA.

BASSMA is an NGO that works with deprived families of different confessions
in Lebanon through food, medical, educational and social assistance with the
ultimate goal of getting them to financial independence. What is unique
about BASSMA is that it operates outside the traditional realm of
sectarianism and partisan politics which are the main elements of tension
and deadlocks in the Lebanese social and political circles. BASSMA has
maintained its independence and neutrality despite outside pressure to align
them in some political rank.

BASSMA has assisted over 135 families in Lebanon and has worked in
collaboration with the World Bank, UNDP and many other international
organizations that have invested their trust in the great results that
BASSMA delivers.

Interning with BASSMA this summer will undoubtedly be a memorable and
fulfilling experience. BASSMA is constantly looking for new policies to
enhance the effectiveness of the NGO and bring better services to those in
need and is looking for creative, motivated, hard working individuals to
carry out its mission in Lebanon.

If you are interested in doing truly remarkable work this summer with a team
of exceptional people, fill out the attached form and email it to
jihanebassma at hotmaill.com

If you need more information on BASSMA join the *Facebook* group by typing
"BASSMA", meet the members and ask them anything that's on your mind.

You can also check the BASSMA website at www.BASSMA.org<http://www.bassma.org/>
 or contact me directly at yalda_aoukar at ksg08.harvard.edu for more

Hope to have many positive responses.

Yalda Aoukar

Master of Public Policy | Candidate, 2008

Harvard University | Kennedy School of Government

yalda_aoukar at ksg08.harvard.edu | (646) 593-1618
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