[LCM Articles] LBC now on JumpTV

Georges Aoude gaoude at MIT.EDU
Sat Oct 21 21:42:18 EDT 2006

Thanks Loai. But it doesn't work in the States or in Canada. I tried it today.


Quoting Loai Naamani <loai at MIT.EDU>:

> Dear all- LBC is now also available (alongside Future TV and AlJazeera) on
> www.jumptv.com <http://www.jumptv.com/>  for 24/7 streaming. The cost is
> $9.99/month/channel. Enjoy, L.

Georges Aoude
Graduate Student
Aerospace Controls Laboratory
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Building 37, Room 372B
tel: (617) 324-7521
cell: (617) 314-4375

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