[LCM Articles] Ericsson setting up new Global Service Delivery Center in Lebanon

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 29 00:16:37 EST 2006

Ericsson setting up new Global Service Delivery Center in Lebanon

EricssonEricsson on Tuesday announced a new Global Service Delivery Center
to be opened next year in Beirut, Lebanon. The new center will initially
employ about 100 people and will serve regional and global customers.


Its location in the Middle East means Lebanon offers a central position and
cultural capabilities to Ericsson's global organization. Its 17 universities
delivering technical diplomas provide highly skilled, multi-lingual
professionals who work across the whole region. The country also offers a
very good climate for new company investments and establishments.


"I am impressed of the business growth of the region Middle East and
Africa", says Fredrik T. Strand, vice president and head of Service Delivery
within Ericsson. "We are a global company and our service delivery
organization provides a global structure that includes local capabilities in
order to meet our customer's demands."


Initially about 100 persons will be employed during 2007, mainly engineers
to deliver services in the areas of systems integration and network &
technology consulting.


The new Global Service Delivery Center (GSDC) in Beirut is a consequence of
the expansion of Ericsson's services business, and is in line with
Ericsson's plans to continue to develop global and local services and
delivery capabilities.

The current Ericsson services organization employs about 23 000
professionals worldwide. About 6500 of these employees work in Global
Service Delivery Centers.


Ericsson has 18 GSDCs which are designed to ensure business readiness for
the global market. They support global and regional demand by providing
global expertise cost-efficiently, supporting the expansion of Ericsson's
services business.


Ericsson has activities and operations in all 14 countries in Middle East
and offices in 11 of them (Iraq, Yemen and Afghanistan are exceptions)
employing around 1800 persons.  Today, Ericsson does business with more then
20 operators in the region.


C 2006 Al Bawaba (www.albawaba.com)


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