[LCM Articles] José Blanco: killing civilians in Lebanon is a sought objective

Abdallah Jabbour abdallah.jabbour at gmail.com
Mon Jul 24 14:07:39 EDT 2006

I couldn't find any other version of these articles so you'll have to rely
on my own translation:


José Blanco, president of the Spanish Socialist party (PSOE), said today:
"This is not an attack against Hezbollah, but against an entire country
and its citizens. In this crisis, killing civilians isn't accidental damage,
but a sought objective". The Israeli ambassador in Spain called Blanco's
statements "the most outrageous he has heard since the beginning of the
crisis". He said: "This is something that really serves Arab propaganda, but
we weren't expecting it from the president of a party that has close ties
and years of good relations with Israel. We are doing our best to minimize
civilan casualties, while Hezbollah and Hamas are trying to maximize them
because they are terrorist groups. We are a responsible state. Those who
talk about a terrorist state have no idea of what's really happening."

On a side note:

- The PSOE's spokesperson in the Madrid Assembly, Rafael Simancas, today
accused Israel of genocide.
- On July 20, the Spanish Prime minister, José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero,
accused Israel of using "abusive force" in its military operations. Zapatero
posed for photos wearing a Palestian scarf adored with the Palestinian flag.

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