[LCM Articles] Fw: Help AUB Face the Challenge...

Ghada Barkett gbarkett at rcn.com
Sun Jul 23 18:30:32 EDT 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: American University of Beirut 
To: AUB Alumni 
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2006 4:14 PM
Subject: Help AUB Face the Challenge...

An appeal from the American University of Beirut to its alumni, friends, faculty, staff and students

July 23, 2006

Facing the Challenge

The American University of Beirut is once again at the forefront of efforts to care for those who are suffering in Lebanon. Along with other NGOs, the men and women affiliated with AUB and its hospital are providing critical services to those in need. We will do everything we can to take care of those who need our help. We have done it before. Our commitment to do so is just as strong today. 

We expect, however, that the demand for AUB's services will continue to grow as more and more families seek refuge in and around Beirut. Today, more than 500,000 men, women, and children have been displaced as a result of the conflict. 

Dr. Ghassan Hamadeh, director of AUB's University Health Services, is currently leading a team of AUB faculty members, students and staff to secure supplies of medication and to organize volunteers. We are seeking your support for the following AUB Medical Emergency Fund so that we can continue - and expand - relief efforts in the following two areas.

1- Medical Supplies

We are hopeful that a humanitarian passageway for much needed supplies will open soon. We are developing a list of the supplies that we will need. We expect that these will fall into the following categories: medical narcotics, antibiotics, chemotherapeutics, anesthesia agents and filters for machines. We know that some of you have connections with drug companies and other medical suppliers. We are investigating ways in which AUB might be able to act as a centralized clearinghouse to facilitate the transport of medications and medical supplies to Lebanon. If you are able to help with these efforts, please contact AUB's New York Office.

2-Volunteer Relief 

Donations to this fund will enable volunteers (residents and faculty) to work with other NGOs to provide onsite healthcare at refugee centers. Volunteers will also prepare packages of medications or relief material for our mobile clinics to deliver to refugees; participate in free evening clinics that supply medications and outpatient care; and participate in health education campaigns.

 If you would like to contribute to the AUB Medical Emergency Fund, you can make a secure on-line gift at www.aub.edu.lb/challenge/help.html or mail your check to our New York Office, at the address below, payable to: American University of Beirut / Medical Emergency Fund.  If you would like information on making a wire transfer, you may email me at jeffrey at aub.edu. You can also help by forwarding this message to others who might be interested in contributing to relief efforts.

The University is reassessing its needs on a daily basis. Updates are on the AUB website.

Please help us help Lebanon. Thank you.

W. Stephen Jeffrey

Vice President for Development and External Relations

American University of Beirut - 3 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 8th Floor - New York, NY 10017 - U.S.A.

Tel: 212- 583-7600 - Fax: 212-583- 7650


American University of Beirut
3 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
8th Floor
NYC, NY 10017-2303 
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